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May 13, 2020
3 Ways Digital Marketing Can Help Your Business Rebound
Hire a Professional to Build Your Website – Blue Edge Business
The impact of the coronavirus is undeniable for businesses, both large and small. Now that state and local economies are starting to slowly open up and become accustomed to a new normal, many business owners may be wondering how to adapt and pivot their businesses to see success in the wake of widespread lockdowns.
The answer is in creating a digital, online presence for your business. If this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that an online presence is invaluable for ANY business because it can help you keep sales going and keep the engine of your business running, even when the rest of the economy is brought to a standstill.
Digital marketing has the potential to help your business increase profits, find leads, and rebound in a few ways:
Boost site traffic with improved search engine optimization (SEO).
Your website has never been more important — whether you’re a brick and mortar building offering a product or service, or you’re strictly online, you need a place to send people so they can learn about you and buy from you and follow social distancing protocols. Your website is that ideal online storefront for your business.
But if you have a great site and no one finds it, then you’re not really making any progress. Prioritize SEO with incorporating important keywords into the site copy, creating a backlink strategy, and ensuring copy and content on your site’s pages is SEO-friendly.
Be seen with Google Ads and Facebook Ads.
Leverage the fact that millions of people are at home on the internet more than ever. Google Ads and Facebook Ads can help you get your name and offering in front of people who are looking for the solutions you provide. Facebook Ads are particularly helpful as you can retarget those in your audience who may have visited your website or page in the past. These tools help you leverage metrics to your greatest benefit and can provide a high return on investment when it comes to lead generation.
Improve the visual first impression of your branding, website, and logo.
For our new normal, maybe your brand needs a refresh. Creating a consistent brand voice and image, and then implementing that in your logo, website, and social media channels will help build your recognition and credibility across marketing channels.
Brand colors, fonts, textures, and a high-quality logo can go a long way to not only helping you build a business but also a brand that your audience comes to know, trust, and love. And implementing these brand identifiers on your website will effectively help build your following and impress your site visitors right away.
Prioritize Your Digital Presence
Digital marketing is the key to unlocking the potential of your business as we embark on a world where the coronavirus is a reality. Having a strong online presence is more important than ever!
Ready to uplevel your online presence? Give Blue Edge Business Solutions a call at (912) 244-4418!