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SEO & Why Your Business Can’t Afford to Ignore It

Like any good business owner, you want potential new clients to find you. You want to generate leads and get your target market interested in what you offer so they’ll take action by reaching out to patronize your business.

But how can you do that if, when a potential client searches for your industry, product, or service on a search engine, but your website is nowhere to be found in the search results? This is where SEO — search engine optimization — comes in. As a business owner, you have much to gain by prioritizing SEO, and quite a bit to lose if you ignore it.


What is SEO?


First of all, what is SEO? Search engine optimization essentially refers to the processes and strategies used to make your site more easily visible on search engine results, helping you to rank higher on results pages. Good, thorough SEO of your website will help you show up quickly, ranking higher on the page when someone searches for a keyword pertaining to your product, service, or industry.

This requires attention to content, SEO-specific aspects of web design, and how you frame and organize your content, which we’ll get into below.


Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore It

As a business owner, SEO isn’t something you should just let your competitors worry about. It’s not something that is optional for business owners in 2019! Instead, it’s a must-have for you to have fresh, new site traffic. SEO keeps your audience engaged and leads coming in.

SEO has the potential to drive new traffic and new customers to your site, connecting people with your business who are looking for exactly what you offer. In other words, it has the potential to help you find new, loyal customers online.


Easy SEO Tactics to Employ Right Now


Whether or not you’re an SEO or web design expert, there are a few SEO techniques you can employ on your website right now.

  • Use headers with important keywords. Consider a few keywords that someone may use in a search while looking for your business. Incorporate these into prominent places on your website, including H1, H2, and H3 headers.
  • Pay close attention to title tags and meta tags. These tell both the search engine and the human visitor what your website is about, helping both to determine if your page is a good fit for what they’re looking for.
  • Create regular, original content. Regular blog content within your website helps search engines have more material to scan and match with searches — it gives them more to work with when prioritizing search engine results. In addition, original content will provide your audience with value once they reach your site.

How We Can Help

If your business could benefit from a strong SEO strategy but the whole process sounds a bit overwhelming to you, Blue Edge Business Solutions can help! We can take a look at how your site is currently ranking, make suggestions, craft a strategy, and implement that strategy for you. For the business owner, SEO isn’t optional — it’s a must have for a successful online presence!